quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011




A gum or cigarette butt thrown on the street attracts other gum or cigarette butt. A plastic bottle thrown on the track through the window of a car leads to another idiot, in a car to throw another bottle. A lot of uncollected garbage on the sidewalk leads the individual to dump more garbage on the sidewalk, thinking that the point is free to dump.
A banner reading "Maricotinha, I love you" or "Thanks to Saint Agapito for the achieved grace," extended from post to post, from one side to another on the street, someone encourages to hang other banners proclaiming "graves for sale" or deposits below cost ", as I have seen near graveyards, hanging from tree to tree.
A sign outside a butcher's promising "real crux topside to the pound", blocking half the sidewalk, is an invitation to pharmacies, coffee shops, video stores etc..to cumber the rest of the street with their ads. A car parked with two wheels on the sidewalk is only a step from putting the other two wheels on the sidewalk and stop interrupt them at once.
A graffiti on the facade of a building makes another the next building or to compete with the first, defacing the higher floors.
A graffiti artist allowed to cover a wall with their heinous designs will be only prevailing of the coercion its category the government – or they free the graffiti, being an "art", or graffiti artists will go the hard way and keep painting.
So much filth reveals abandonment and is a gateway to crime - criminals feel good in the middle of it. Some municipalities do their part, but citizens need help and exercising citizenship. Although it belongs to all, the public space isn’t in mother Joana’s house.
(Ruy Castro, Folha de S. Paulo, Opinião A2, 19/05/08)


1) What is the positioning of the author when he says:
A plastic bottle thrown on the track through the window of a car leads to another idiot, in a car to throw another bottle.

2) What is the predominant genre in the text?

3) Make a comment on your understanding of the text by Ruy Castro.

36 comentários:

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  2. Hello Teacher

    1- Because the weight have the same idea than the other and so on, one does not particularly different to those problems that are in society desesrepeito nature.

    2-Article of opinion.

    3- The population today is not thinking of a future so near, they do not care about nature, think that a paper bullet that is playing on the ground can lead to serious problems, can you imagine if every one want to play some on the street as they the world would not be more popluar than it already is? Each of us must do our part.

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  4. Answer question number 1:

    Their attitudes influence other people, so we must take conscience and do right to serve as example

  5. Answer the question number 2:
    The predominant in this text is an article of opinion

  6. today do not think the citizens to respect public spaces, streets, sidewalks, have forgotten that public places are actually our patrimonies it, find it very difficult to find a trash can to play a simple candy wrappers, or even hold a bag Plastic bottles or small to put that garbage left in cars. If the population seems to think about the damage this does to the nature or against public property would not make it what they do.

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  9. 1 - the author means that if a person throws trash on the street it induces others to commit the same act.
    2 - opinion piece
    3 - The population is not worrying about the future, when she throws garbage in the street no matter how small it is such a simple candy wrappers she did not think it can harm the environment more forward, then each to each of we do our part.

  10. 1 - According to the author, if a person commits the error to pollute the environment in which they live, other people will think they can also do this.

    2 - The predominant in the text is the opinion piece.

    3 - This text shows us that a pollution pollution leads to another, and if not avoid littering, will damage the environment and therefore to ourselves and future generations.

    Natalia 3°2

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  12. Answer Question 1:
    Their attitudes influence other people Fezer the same thing, because if you do not throw plastic bottles out the car window other people will do the same.

    Answer to question 2:
    The text is an opinion piece

    Answer to question 3:
    Dirt takes the dirt, does not mater if you clean your space many people will do the same thing, but if you make a turn and start changing things, as not littering, graffiti should stop (on public property) and other things, people will become aware muança with this and will do the same thing.

    Jessica Gallo 3°2 n°39

  13. answer to question 1:
    In their behavior and attitudes ultimately lead other people to have the same attitudes

  14. Answer the question number 2:
    The predominant in this text is an article of opinion

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  16. The population today is not the slightest bit worried about certain attitudes that are taking, find a role to play ball on the floor, or a bottle thrown through the car window, that for they are things that need not be taken seriously, many still find why and that public assets should not meet, the more we must remember these citizens a little more aware that these are our public property, we pay to keep them clean for reform, and every time that prey must remember that these places will go out of our reformalos or pocket to clean up.

  17. Answers to questions
    1. The author wants to say that when a person throws a bottle at the car window, seeing someone else, it too, because if he did I'll also be doing ... a wrongful act begets another.
    2. Opinion article
    3.Ruy Castro's text to say that all ciadãos must do their part and not wait to start another. If you see a paper on the floor, or a plastic bottle, do not throw another. If everyone does their part we can live in a better world, not to mention an act of citizenship begets another.

    Jéssica Moisés Nunes N° 18 3°2

  18. I agree with you Amanda. I think if the public a little more worried about the future, with the welfare of all, we would live in a better world!

    Jéssica Moisés N° 18 3°2

  19. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  20. Ariane agree with you, if we each do our part to prevent pollution of the planet, we have more quality of life and a better world to live.

    Natalia n° 30 - 3°2

  21. answers:
    1 - Awareness is not who plays plastic bottles in the streets.
    2 - opinion piece

    3 - Awareness is not many people that are littering the streets it will be running a great risk of being harmed later on, because nature will respond, bring harm to the population.

    Jean Montoya nº 17 serie: 3º2

  22. Truth Amanda and Jessica all we care about our future, if we throw garbage in the city continued flooding all because of a simple candy wrappers or plastic bottles, pay more attention not to harm ourselves, stop and think we all crave for a better future

  23. questions
    1) one thing leads to another.
    2)opinion article
    3)he was very objective in commenting on matters related to the text, because littering is not about anything.

    raquel campos nº34 3º2

  24. Questions
    1)The author shows through against this action.
    2)Opinion piece.
    3)The text of Ruy Castro Deich clear that if we throw garbage, dropped to harm nature with so ... The consequence will come in the near future.

    João Lucas Artuzi Nº:19 Série:3°2

  25. answers:

    1: Means that when someone does something, there's always one who goes and does the same.

    2:Article Opinion.

    3:Yes, I agree with John Lucas, who played the garbage today, tomorrow will be those who will suffer.

    Bruna Eduarda N°41 3°2

  26. Geovani's comment is very good, I agree with him that the citizens today have forgotten that public assets belong to ourselves, and that the simple act of throwing a paper ball on the ground can cause havoc in even the nature and future

    Nome: Amanda Nascimento nº02 série:3º2

  27. Replies:

    1) The author meant that a lot of uncollected garbage on the sidewalk leads the individual to dump more garbage on the sidewalk, thinking that the point is free to dump.
    2) Opinion article.
    3) Show what's happening in the world in the midst of so much pollution.

  28. 1 -) When a man throws a bottle or whatever material that impairs the nature induces him to another human being to do the same, that is with the attitude of one person many others follow suit.

    2 -) Article of opinion.

    3 -) The text shows us the world through what is happening with various pollution, graffiti and so on ...
